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One Stop Patents and Trademarks Solution in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao



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Patents, Trade Marks, and Industrial Designs in Canada

MACIPO & ASSOCIATES Canada Branch provides full intellectual property services including prosecution, litigation, transaction and consultation services relating to patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, domain name, anti-unfair competition and other intellectual property related matters.


  • Prior art search and patentability study;
  • Patent applications drafting and prosecution;
  • Patent reexamination and invalidation;
  • Patent infringement litigation, administrative resolution and customs protection;
  • Patent search and watch, and patent infringement assessment;
  • Comprehensive patent-related management consultation (portfolio and annuity management, patent strategy) ;
  • Patent licensing and technology transfer;
  • Miscellaneous patent-related legal services.

Trade Marks

  • General trademark-related consultation;
  • Pre-application search and registrability study;
  • Trademark enquiry, watch and advertising;
  • Trademark registration and renewal prosecution;
  • Trademark opposition, review, and administrative litigation;
  • Trademark licensing and assignment;
  • Trademark infringement litigation, administrative investigation & treatment, and related legal services;
  • Trademark and brand strategy consultation;
  • Miscellaneous trademark-related legal services.

Enforcements & Other Legal Affairs

  • Counseling in administrative proceedings, administrative & civil litigation, and IPR affirmation;
  • Mediating of IP disputes involved in administrative, civil and criminal litigation;
  • Drafting or review of agreements/contracts in IP trade and licensing;
  • Lawyer's opinions, business negotiation and arbitration representation, corporate IPR management services, and IP strategy preparation;
  • Patent reexamination and invalidation;
  • Legal services for interested parties to patent dispute and infringement cases, including counseling, investigation, evidence collection, administrative adjudication requests filing, and infringement litigation institution;
  • Lawsuit directed to patent reexamination and patent right invalidation decisions;
  • Trademark opposition, review, dispute determination, and administrative litigation;
  • Trademark infringement litigation, administrative investigation/resolution, and related legal matters;
  • IP-related counseling, search and watch services;
  • Copyright and computer software registration prosecution;
  • Negotiation and conclusion of copyright license and assignment contracts;
  • Copyright infringement litigation and related legal matters;
  • Unfair Competition & Trade Secrets Protection;
  • Counseling on unfair competition and trade secrets protection;
  • Infringement litigation and related legal matters;
  • Counseling on technical, legal, and trade matters in tech-trade transactions;
  • Negotiation and conclusion of tech-trade contracts;
  • Domain name registration prosecution and dispute resolution;
  • Registration of integrated circuits layout designs;
  • Other IP-related legal services.


Global Offices Network
Fast Facts
  • Inventions must be kept confidential to be patentable.

  • Inventions must be capable of industrial application.

  • Granting a patent application can take several years.

  • A trade mark must be distinctive for your goods and services.

  • Registering your trade mark gives you the exclusive right to use your mark for the goods and/or services.

  • Design protection relates to the appearance of a product.


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